Fashion Profiles of Urban Women Shoppers in India
Intrigued with the international research available on women and fashion, Prastut took up the challenge to look at the vast mass of the Indian shopper and identify their shopping and fashion traits. We focused on extracting the fashion and shopping behavior among young urban women through an intense data analytics on sales data available with leading fashion portals.
And Lo behold out popped two very distinct shopper personalities!
One was a fashion marketers delight, she not only loved her clothes and accessories but loved to be lauded for her look. She was a style guru, and a trend setter. She was really and totally obsessed with herself and her look. She did not care if she was too much in the face. She was the ultimate Flaunter, and she carried it off with élan. A whopping 55% of the youngsters in the age group 22-28 years turned out to be the flaunter variety. A real discovery and a game changer for any fashion marketer!

Presenting The Preener:
She is young, impulsive and acutely fashion conscious, likes to choose from a lot of variety, goes for the perfect fit and match, loves to accessorize, brands are a weakness . Yet she is a bargainer and more prone to careless purchases, does not come under the high income bracket still wants perfect products. Takes time to know about trends and is often confused about choices due to myriad of brands. She is a mall rat and a pub hopper. Gets facilely swayed by attractive prices, latest trends, presentation and style. Is a bona fide voracious window shopper

The other 45% who are they?
They too are fashion savvy but they exercise some self control. They dwell on their choices, are not impulsive, have developed a refined taste, do not accessorize overtly. Have a certain class about themselves.
Meet Her - The Prima Donna Chic
She is mature, sophisticated and eclectic regarding fashion. Likes to take her time but is open to experimentation. Is sensible about brands, doesn’t equate price with quality and buys the best product. She is independent or comes from a fairly affluent background. Advertising does not easily influence her. Is more of a café goer and dining out type. Frequents malls more on occasions and is a sagacious window shopper.
Whew! Women the more you know her the more there is to know about her!
Women want to have more things to search through and to be able to experience them, touch them, feel textures and see colors and that’s what makes them great nourishers not just as mothers but also for innumerable brands across the world. So all you Preeners and Prima Donna Chics out there, go and splurge out to your heart’s content, because if you’re the cause , you certainly are the cure.
And all Fashion Brands hone your marketing and brand strategy armed with these interesting Insights. Choose the one you have an affinity to…The Preener or the Prima Donna Chic.or both…….if you have got what it takes…
Source : (Based on the psychographic study on 1000 young urban women shoppers conducted by Prastut Consulting Pvt. Ltd.)