Mobile Market Research
Smart phones and tablets is a blizzard that has taken over the globe. These devices have been the life line during pandemic and also prior to the pandemic consumers were using them for many applications, including market research. Prastut is using smart phones and tablets for new market research methods like:
Smartphone Designed Surveys – Impactful mobile surveys are designed specifically for the smartphone or other online devices as in today’s environment, it’s vital for online surveys to be user friendly and device agnostic (laptop, tablet, or mobile). These surveys can be web-based, optimized for phones, or they can be built-in applications specifically for iOS, Android, or Windows mobile operating systems.
Location Awareness – Advanced software and techniques allow us to leverage smartphone location (GPS) information to trigger questions, check and authenticate the date of consumer response or simply track movement over time.
Mobile Potency in New Era – In fast paced modus vivendi it's tough for consumers to inform why they bought one thing after a lapse of few days or months. However if they are using their mobile phone to document why they are making a purchasing decision at that very moment; that is the most effective way to capture the insights about the targeted customers actually build their shopping decisions. What motivated / actuated them to stay with their shopping list or to suddenly modify their minds about a product? Was it price? Product placement? A special promotion? Mobile technology helps to capture these "mental snapshots" in real-time to build smarter business decisions.